If you are an Airtel Users then Activate the Free Subscription of Airtel Missed Call Alerts valid for 90 Days. There are 3 methods to avail the offer. Follow the tricks to Get your Free Airtel Miss Call Alert Service.
How To Get Airtel Missed Call Alert Service For Free:
1st Method:
- Make sure you have an active Airtel connection.
- Now compose a new message typing “OFFER” without the quotes and send it to “54321“
- Now you will get a message from Airtel saying “Thank you for subscribing to MCA service. You activation is under process. You will receive a confirmation SMS shortly.”
- Now within a few seconds you will receive another message saying “Missed Call Alert service has been activated on your airtel mobile Free for 3 (may be less or more in some cases) months“.
If the above method fails to work then try this method.
2nd Method:
- Dial any one of the numbers from your Airtel number.
- *321*885#
- *321*884#
- *321*882#
- *321*881#
- *321*880#
- Reply with 1 to Subscribe
- You will get a confirmation response as well as a message to confirm that the Airtel Missed Call Alert service has been activated on your Airtel number.
3rd Method:
- Dial “*888*1#” from your Airtel mobile. You will get a prompt which will ask you to press the digit “1” to activate the missed call service free for 90 days. Type 1 and hit the OK button. Hopefully, you will get 90 days of free Airtel missed call alerts.
- You can unsubscribe any time by dialling *321*883#